My stuckist paintings - my very beginning in painting
Innocence 115x75
Lou - not for sale
Kundrie - not for sale
Spread the love 40X50
J'accuse 40x50 SOLD
Plus est en vous 40X50
Behind closed doors
Don't look back 40X50
Salomé in vain 40X50
Cry me a flower 40X50
Growing pains - sold
Gossip is a snake - 40 x 115
Encounters With Lou Salomé 40X50
MeduKnopskaya 40X50
Payback Time
the PubArt-poster made@DeFloerenAap
Not Sold, but used by another artist in his Viewmaster-project @gallery Mix-Art- Dilbeek - The loved one and only Johan Van der Burght who is deeply missed